
Saturday, December 29, 2012


The Poet Society Of Trinidad and Tobago  is very pleased to deliver on our objectives.
We warmly welcome Our Two Poetry Experts: Kathleen Bryce Niles and G. Newton V. Chance
A Note to Poets
While some poems may contain much rhyming, rhyming alone does not make a passage good poetry or even poetry. The metric flow as well as the use of any number of literary/poetic devices; such as simile, metaphor, assonance, alliteration, allegory, allusion, oxymoron, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, pun, personification, irony etc., is just as important. Also of the utmost importance is the ability to invoke interesting and unusual imagery and ways of seeing, feeling and experiencing things, trying to say new things, or even old things, in new ways. Also another important aspect that will contribute to a piece being considered poetry or good poetry is to be layered i.e. have different meanings and symbolism at different levels e.g. physical, spiritual, literal, figurative. There is also the economy with words. Poetry is like the essence of language, saying more with less, working the words much harder; each word should be deliberated as to whether it is contributing to or detracting from the piece. But we suspect that you’ll already know all of this, however, the secret is in the application.

To make good interesting poems, they will have to be rewritten in a more clever and poetic way with some more profound thought and language in there (by profound we do not necessarily mean big words but rather connotations). Poetry is about art and subtlety so the initial inspiration has to be refined, applying such devices as mentioned. At the end of the day the poem should be fresh, aesthetically pleasing to read and listen and should evince some emotional or intellectual response -- joy, sadness, chagrin, anger, nostalgia, wonder, deep thought, concurrence etc. Arguably, there is no single definition of poetry or good poetry yet a poet has to at least be able to discern what is not poetry or good poetry. Reading contemporary poetry from the poet laureates and other eminent modern poets will certainly help.
Beginning March 1st 2013 We invite all our members to email their poems to
Click here to View Submissions  

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